Dengue Insurance

The fulcrum to master your life

Eliminate worrying expenses for disease treatment and hospitalization due to Dengue fever

Extremely cheap fee: less than 270 VND / day
Don't worry. Dengue fever
Allowance for hospitalization due to dengue fever
Ensure benefits
Inpatient treatment and death due to dengue fever
Anyone can participate
Suitable for all customer segments


Insurance benefits

Waiting time Benefit Option 1 Option 2
Coverage / Sum insured 34,000,000 VND 27,000,000 VND
Part A: 30 days A. Death caused by dengue fever 20.000.000 VND 20.000.000 VND
Part B: 14 days B. Medical expenses, hospitalization treatment caused by dengue fever. (Up to 14 days / year) Pay actual treatment costs and hospitalization allowance 160,000 VND / day hospital stay. The total amount is not more than 1,000,000 VND / day of hospitalization Pay actual treatment costs and hospitalization allowance 80,000 VND / day hospital stay. The total amount is not more than 500,000 VND / day of hospital stay
Premium fee/person/year 97.000 VND 72.000 VND

Premium fee

Package Benefit 1 Benefit 2
Premium fee/person/year 97.000 VND 72.000 VND
2 Packages

1. People who participate in professional sports activities or other dangerous sports activities

2. People who control or execute duties on aircraft

3. People with a history of psychiatric, neurological, leprosy, or cancer

4. People with permanent disability of 50% or more

5. People who are in the course of treatment for illnesses and injuries

Effective time

Waiting time:

– Death from dengue: 30 days from the effective date of the policy
– Medical expenses for hospital stay caused by dengue fever: 14 days from the effective date of the policy

- Within 30 days from the time of the insured event, the insured must notify Bao Minh Insurance Company, and within 365 days from the time of the insurance event, insured must file a claim.
- Insured pays first and then requests compensation later.



Mr. A has dengue fever and has been in the Tropical Hospital for 7 days. Total treatment cost is 3 million VND (429 thousand VND / day). How does Bao Minh support this case?

(The insured's profile meets all the conditions of documents and the insured age. He is participating in Option 2)


According to records provided by customers, actual treatment costs: 429 thousand / day

Based on product regulations, Bao Minh pays:

- Treatment costs: 420 thousand days * 7 days = VND 2940k

- Hospitalization allowance: VND 80,000 / day * 7 days = VND 560k

Total compensation cost does not exceed 500 thousand / day

Bao Minh compensates customers: 3.5 million